Tool set 44 pcs. for bike repair

Further, squeezing the axles (pins) out of the chain (allows to shorten the chain): A set of hexagons (1.5 to 6 mm) short and not very convenient for power tightening: Squeeze for connecting rods for square fit:
Whip for holding cassette, handle with plastic handle:
Inside, as usual, foam rubber, so that the contents do not rattle:
The cat cried rubber patches… There are three more plastic crowbars included. Comes in such a package – a plastic suitcase with a handle: Camera repair kit: Plastic to the first tire with a steel cord, then to the store for steel fittings. Let’s compare the readings with the electric pump:
the handle is removable.
Opens with latches:
It works like this: Regular Phillips screwdriver and open-end wrench 8-10: Key for spokes:
More keys:
Handle for 8 mm hex pullers with nozzle: Weight of a full suitcase: In general, it works.
Two black stamped 14.16-13.15 2 mm thick and a wrench with a plastic slip 15.17-15.16 3mm thick. 15 is the typical size for pedals.
Like this the layout of the set looks like this:

Tool set 44 pcs. for bike repair

Now let’s look at each tool more closely. Let’s start with the pressure gauge, it’s mechanical here! Graduated in kg and PSI.
The inscriptions in German for solidity, apparently. Tsar key 30.32 – 36.40 as much as 4 mm thick: Pullers 2 pcs, smaller one for cassette. larger for carriage/cartridge (20 slots):
workable, but you need to be careful, the thread is small. Delivery of goods by a transport company to the door.

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